定义 定义详解
P3.1/ADC1 port 3.1 or ADC1 input
P3.2/ADC2 port 3.2 or ADC2 input
P3.3/ADC3 port 3.3 or ADC3 input
VSSC/P digital ground for m-Controller core and periphery
P0.5 port 0.5 (8 mA current sinking capability for direct drive of LEDs)
P0.6 port 0.6 (8 mA current sinking capability for direct drive of LEDs)
VSSA analog ground of Teletext decoder and digital ground of TV-processor
VP2 2nd supply voltage TV-processor (+8V)
DECDIG supply voltage of digital circuit of TV-processor
PH2LF phase-2 filter
PH1LF phase-1 filter
GND3 ground 3 for TV-processor
DECBG bandgap decoupling
AVL/EW Automatic Volume Levelling (90° versions) / E-W drive output
VDRB vertical drive B output
VDRA vertical drive A output
IFIN1 IF input 1
IFIN2 IF input 2
IREF reference current input
VSC vertical sawtooth capacitor
AGCOUT tuner AGC output
AUD/SIF audio deemphasis or SIF input 1
DEC/SIF decoupling sound demodulator or SIF input 2
GND2 ground 2 for TV processor
PLL/SIF narrow band PLL filter or AGC sound IF
AVL/SNDIF Automatic Volume Levelling / sound IF input / subcarrier reference
HOUT horizontal output
FBISO flyback input/sandcastle output
AUDEXT/QSSO external audio output / QSS intercarrier out / AM audio output
EHTO EHT/overvoltage protection input
PLLIF IF-PLL loop filter
IFVO/SVO IF video output / selected CVBS output
VP1 supply voltage TV processor
CVBS1 internal CVBS input
GND ground for TV processor
C C input
AUD/AMOUT audio output /AM audio output (volume controlled)
INSSW2 2nd RGB / YUV insertion input
R2/VIN 2nd R input / V (R-Y) input / PR input
G2/YIN 2nd G input / Y input
B2/UIN 2nd B input / U (B-Y) input / PB input
BCLIN beam current limiter input
BLKIN black current input / V-guard input
RO Red output
GO Green output
BO Blue output
VDDA analog supply of decoder and digital supply of TV-processor (3.3 V)
VPE OTP Programming Voltage
VDDC digital supply to core (3.3 V)
OSCGND oscillator ground supply
XTALIN crystal oscillator input
XTALOUT crystal oscillator output
VDDP digital supply to periphery (+3.3 V)
P1.0/INT1 port 1.0 or external interrupt 1 input
P1.1/T0 port 1.1 or Counter/Timer 0 input
P1.2/INT0 port 1.2 or external interrupt 0 input
P1.3/T1 port 1.3 or Counter/Timer 1 input
P1.6/SCL port 1.6 or I2C-bus clock line
P1.7/SDA port 1.7 or I2C-bus data line [Page]
P2.0/TPWM port 2.0 or Tuning PWM output
P3.0/ADC0 port 3.0 or ADC0 input
TDA9586H/N1/3/0624 TDA9586H/N3/3/1809 TDA9586H/N1/3/0400 TDA9586H/N1/3/0829 TDA9586H/NI/3M090 TDA9586H/N1/3MSP3415G TDA9587H/N1/3/0403 TDA9586H/N3/3/1828 TDA9586H/N1/3/+557 TDA9586H/N1/3/557 TDA9586H/N1/3/0627 TDA9586H/N1/3/0401 TDA9586H/N1/3/0624 TDA9586H/N1/3/1096 TDA9586H/N1/3/1090 TDA9586H/N1/3/0828